• GeoMaestro Consult Africa


Prepare a ten-year Integrated Urban Development Plan for Kabarnet Town that will play a central role in guiding and controlling development within Kabarnet town and peri-urban: Define a vision for future growth and set a base for the proposed development of the town; Set regulations, standards, and guidelines for development control; Provide a basis for the provision of infrastructural services, environmental conservation and mitigate urban sprawl; Produce accurate up-to-date digital maps and prepare various types of plans to guide development. 

Output / services

  • Survey – Qualitative, quantitative, and spatial data collection
  • Analysis – Interpretation of collected data including projections
  • Planning – Decision making based on the available analyzed data and development models
  • Outputs: Structure Plan | Strategic Plans for Physical and Social Infrastructure, Services, Land, Settlement and Housing, Environment and Economy | Zoning Plan | Action Area Plan for Kabarnet CBD | GIS Database

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